Sunday, June 16, 2019

Best External Graphics Card: Top 20 EGPU Hand Picked 2019

Some of you may know them as ‘eGPU’s, and some as external graphics cards, but they are some of the most important components to turbocharge gaming on your laptop. External graphics cards are cases that contain a desktop-style video card that can be connected to a PC (tends to be a laptop). These eGPUs can […]

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Best Gaming Computer Desks:Definitive Guide & Review (2019)

Do you enjoy gaming to the core? If you are like me, one has the best gaming experience only when there is a perfect gaming computer desk at the place. As a matter of fact, the best gaming computer desks have enough space to keep and organize everything that you need. Further, these desks keep […]

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Best Gaming Headsets Under 100 Dollars (2019 Updated)

You haven’t cruised the game perfectly without a quality sound device to give the audio impression of the actions and reactions. I make a review of the best gaming headset under 100 dollars to give you an absolute adventure in the gaming world. Cheap gaming headsets under 100 dollars but with expensive sound qualities are […]

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Best Xbox One Headset:Ultimate Buying Guide(2019 Updated)

“Call of Duty” might be a game you always love playing with your friends or maybe you think making use of a mouse alongside a keyboard is usually fun and better than using a controller, whatever you prefer, I guess you will still need the right kind of headset that suits your Xbox well. The […]

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Best VR Headset: 2019’s Definitive & Complete Buyer’s Guide

Virtual Reality (VR) is no more a passing fad or a time-pass activity. It has become as mandatory a part of everyday gaming and viewing as is having a smartphone. VR headsets have become exceedingly popular primarily because these totally transform your gaming experience by transmitting you to the actual environment. A majority of the […]

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Best Gaming Monitor:You One-stop Buyer’s Guide (2019 Updated)

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Best Steelcase Chairs: Ultimate Buyer’s Guide & Reviews 2019

A chair is a very imperative part of your home or office furniture, and buying the best and right one will make sure that it fits well in your space and satisfy your requirements. Steelcase chairs are the best way to start. Whether it is for your home, office, tech room, or training space, you […]

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Monday, April 15, 2019

10 Best Herman Miller Aeron Chair[For Gaming,PC,Office]2019

Conventionally, chronic neck and back pain was reduced by taking as many periodical breaks as possible from sitting and moving around. However, this does not guarantee stress-free sitting. You require a relaxing and soothing chair whether you spend countless hours on the desk bent over paperwork or in front of a monitor, or you are […]

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Best DXRacer Gaming Chair:[Racing,PC]10 Hand-Picked (2019 Updated)

If you are looking for the best dxracer gaming chair here, I bring you a comprehensive guide of the different DXRacer gaming chair models available in the market as well as helpful product reviews in the same category. You will get to know the features that distinguish a good gaming chair from another and what you can expect from […]

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X Rocker Gaming Chairs:10 Hand-Picked X Rocker Chair(2019)

Gaming chairs are a great way to enjoy those long gaming hours. X rocker gaming chairs are the best in the business. Gaming with all its excitement requires one to be comfortable while playing and this is what the best x rocker gaming chairs offer. They provide an immersive sound experience into the gaming through […]

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Best Gaming Chair Under 100:Top 10 Lists & Reviews(2019)

The gaming chair is also another addition to the advancement of technology in the gaming world. It is a chair which is mainly designed for gaming geeks who sit and play video games for long hours a day. The first gaming chair ever was designed by a company called DXRacer in mid-august,2006. The company designed […]

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Best 1440p Monitor:Ultimate Buying Guide, Reviews(2019)

There are monitors and there is a wide range of 1440p monitor. They also come in different shape and sizes, performing different functions and different purposes. For all the ways monitors can be distinguished from each other, one of the most profound ways is through their colour resolutions. Some monitors come in 480p, 720p, 1080p, […]

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Best 165Hz Monitor 2019:The Noob Friendly Buyer’s Guide(2019)

In this Best 165Hz Monitor 2019 guide, I will present you with some of the best 165Hz gaming monitors that are presently available in the market. Technology for monitors has developed hugely in the past couple of years. A gaming monitor can vary largely both in price and specifications. It can be challenging to find […]

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Friday, April 12, 2019

Best 240HZ Monitor:[G-Sync, FreeSync, Budget] 2019 Updated

Here in this guide, I will take you through list of top 240HZ monitors in the market, which I hope will help you choose the best 240HZ monitor for your needs. It will be enlightening about features of each monitor, and ways to choose the best 240HZ monitor. Choosing the right can be particularly difficult […]

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Best 4k Gaming Monitor: [144Hz, 240Hz, FreeSync, G-SYNC, HDR] 2019

Are you looking to enhance your working and gaming experienced on your computer, going through this guide Best 4k Gaming Monitor 2019 will be a right step in that direction. Whether you’re watching movies or playing games, a 4K monitor will provide super-high-definition graphics that are sharper and realistic. However, to purchase a 4K monitor […]

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Best Portable Gaming Monitor:[PS4,XBOX,PC] Guide(2019 Updated)

I have created the ultimate buying guide and list of best portable gaming monitor 2018 simply because I understand the needs and demands of modern day gamers. Given the highly mobile lifestyle that requires us to be always on the go, how can we ignore the need to own a portable gaming monitor? For your […]

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Best GSync Monitor 2019:The Noob Friendly Buyer’s Guide and Reviews

Do you want to buy the best G Sync monitor but don’t know where to start? You have come to right place. Here in this best G Sync monitor 2019, I will be presenting you with some of the best G-Sync monitors that are available in the market today. G Sync gaming monitors are quite […]

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Best FreeSync Monitor:[Gaming,4k,1080P,1440P 2019 Updated]

In this Best FreeSync Monitor 2019 guide, I will take you through the list of top 10 FreeSync Monitors of 2019, so that you can buy the best monitor to meet all your needs and preferences. FreeSync monitors are the top solutions for some of the most noticeable gaming issues. At present, there are many […]

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Best Computers For Kids: Expert’s Definitive Buyer’s Guide(2019)

The best computers for kids might not be that easy to get. As more people migrate towards digital everything, the education, like many other areas, is also deep diving into the same. As of today, the app stores for Windows, Mac, and Android have something for all age groups. Even, there are apps to get acquainted […]

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Best Computer For College Student:Expert Advice(2019)

A computer for college student would be something different from what is required of school children. While the need for research and completing projects online has become a trend in high school as well, with college days the requirements of students become more demanding from the computing world or from the best computer for college student. The need […]

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Best Computer For Video Editing:Definitive Buyer’s Guide(2019)

There are tons of products that were released this particular year, 2019, than any year before then as long as I can remember. And, each one of those was either based on ultra portability or highest performance that can be crammed into a laptop. For the Best Computer For Video Editing, we have compiled a […]

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Monday, April 8, 2019

Best Gaming Computer: Super Buyer’s Guide & Tips (2019 Updated)

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Best Gaming Computer Under 1000 Dollars:Expert Advice(2019)

A professional Gamer always dreams of having the very best of Gaming computers to go along with it. While a good gaming PC is thought of as a computer with just good graphics, that is not true. A good gaming PC is a cumulation of a wide variety of factors. However, the pricing factor too […]

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Best Gaming Computer Under 500 Dollars:Expert AdviceTop Lists (2019)

The biggest problem when you are on a tight budget is getting the most bang for your buck. This issue amplifies when you are a PC gamer. You want to have an excellent gaming computer under 500 for the best price. It means that the PC must be able to run your favorite games smoothly […]

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Best Gaming PC Under 300:(Best Of Best 2019 Updated)

Everybody loves video games. Don’t you? If you are looking for a machine dedicated for gaming, you can go for a gaming console. But most people prefer to own a budget best gaming PC under 300 that can handle games and their works simultaneously. Building a gaming PC from scratch is not easy. Many facts […]

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Friday, April 5, 2019

Best Laptops for Kids: Ultimate Buyer’s Guide (2019 Updated)

If your kids have reached the age of getting indulged into technology then it is probably the best that you start looking for the perfect pieces of technologies for them. I’m here to guide you through this process. I’ve put in a lot of effort and put together this ultimate guide of laptops for kids […]

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Bеѕt Tаblеt Undеr 100 Dоllаrѕ: 15 Hand Picked Reviews(2019)

Tаblеtѕ аrе thе bеѕt dеvісеѕ whеn іt comes tо соnvеnіеnсе аnd роrtаbіlіtу. Wіth so mаnу dеvісеѕ аvаіlаblе іn thе market, іt іѕ оftеn dіffісult tо mаkе a purchasing dесіѕіоn. Surрrіѕіnglу, еvеn thоugh thе tаblеtѕ hаvе a bіggеr ѕсrееn size аnd mоrе соmрutіng роwеr, a lot оf thеm аrе аvаіlаblе at рrісеѕ ѕіmіlаr tо thаt оf […]

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Best Android Tablet: The Definitive Guide & Reviews (2019 Updated)

The phenomenal success of Android tablets puts the humble laptop in danger of extinction after managing to stick around for decades. Manufacturers like Samsung, Lenovo, Asus and many more promise that their latest tablet models simply replace the laptop for their functionality and exceptional performance making them a go-to option. Choosing the best android tablet […]

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Bеѕt Wіndоwѕ Tаblеt: Thе Dеfіnіtіvе Guіdе & Rеvіеwѕ

Window tаblеt tурісаllу wіth a mоbіlе ореrаtіng ѕуѕtеm аnd LCD tоuсhѕсrееn dіѕрlау рrосеѕѕіng сіrсuіtrу, аnd a rесhаrgеаblе battery іn a ѕіnglе thіn, flаt расkаgе. Althоugh thе tаblеt PC has lоng bееn a dream, іt’ѕ оnlу іn thе last fеw уеаrѕ thаt it’s bесоmе a rеаlіtу. Thanks tо thе рорulаrіtу of Andrоіd аnd іOS tаblеtѕ, the […]

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Best Tablet For Kids:Complete Buyer’s Guide (2019)

The best tablet for kids comes all its features optimized for children. From the body shape to the user interface a good tablet for kids can be easily recognized by its appearance. If you are a parent, it makes sense to get a tablet meant for kids for your kids. These tablets are made help […]

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 Best Tablet under 200 Dollars:Definitive Guide & Reviews (2019 Updated)

Recent innovations and developments in the electronics industry have made the price of tablets increase in a consistent manner. However, there is no need to worry, as in the market there is something for everyone. Good tablets, which are pocket-friendly and more efficient, are available. On this article, we will provide you with a guide […]

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Best RAM For Gaming: Top Memory For Your Serious Needs (2019’s Ultimate Guide)

In this article, we look at the different configurations of best RAM for gaming available in the market today as top memory for your serious needs. In general, for running standard games and being able to do computing tasks at basic speed, you need 4 GB RAM on your computer or PC. As a thumb rule the 8 […]

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Best Thermal Paste:2019’s Definitive Buyer’s Guide & Reviews

It is common knowledge that most of us complain about our consoles or devices heating up when we play heavy graphics content games that require a lot of processing, rendering, and uploading. Some people even get pissed off that they want to discard the console or game and get another one. Well, permit me to […]

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Best PS4 Accessories: All the Extras You Need For Your PlayStation 4

Having a PlayStation 4 is one of the best gaming experiences a person can withhold, though it is easily tarnished by simple flaws in the manufacturer’s design. Luckily, there are tons of companies all over the world that make quality, ergonomically correct controllers, chargers that work longer than two weeks, and virtual reality equipment that […]

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GPU Hierarchy: The Top Lists,Chart,Benchmark For Graphics Cards 2019

A great GPU is essential for any serious gamer. Our GPU Hierarchy will help you find the best unit out there. Sometimes we get so into the gaming, that we overlook our GPU. Before we know it there will be new games out there and the GPU you’ve got won’t be up to scratch. I’m […]

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CPU Hierarchy: Three rounds of great competition

As we all know, CPU is the most crucial part for one laptop or desktop, which will greatly influence the performance of laptops or desktops.  Thus, selecting high-end CPU is just as importance as selecting suitable laptops or desktops.  Usually we can see here are some basic information labeled at the brands, like core i7, […]

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DisplayPort Vs HDMI vs DVI vs VGA: What’s the Difference?

Modern day television technology has grown tremendously over the years. What’s more important is that the wire system incorporated into these systems too is evolving.  Most computer displays and TVs have different kinds of video inputs to them. These different kinds of inputs differ in terms of picture quality, resolution, clarity, etc. Hence, let us […]

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SSD vs HDD Storage Device:The Truth, Differences, Comparison (2019 Updated)

The arguments on SSD vs HDD has always been prevailing in the market. With the revolutionary change in technology and updates in modern computing systems, a user needs more performance from a more compact and easy to install computer components. The developers discovered a component which revolutionized the way computers operated. In the late 2000s, […]

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IPS vs TN vs VA: The Difference,In-depth Comparison Guide (2019)

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Sunday, March 31, 2019

DDR3 vs DDR4 Ram: The Truth, Differences, Comparison(2019 Updated)

Every computer requires a memory which is most frequently accessed by the system to continuously restore all the media and information back to where it belonged the last time you sat on your computer. This is the function of the RAM in every computer system.The initial communication is held between the processor and the RAM, […]

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PC vs Console Gaming: Know The Difference(2019 Updated)

PCs have an operating system that enables them to run gaming programs effectively. There exist three operating systems of our time; the Windows, MacOS and Linux. Among the three operating systems, Windows operating system stands out to be the most popular choice for most gamers. This is because it offers a wide range of gaming […]

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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Best Gaming Headsets:Ultimate Buying Guide & Reviews(2019)

It’s the age of PC cum console gaming. A host of advancements have been made ever since games first surfaced in the market. Games have tremendously advanced and so have the gaming accessories to go along with it. Accessories such as Gaming Headsets, Gaming controllers, etc. are all essentials necessary to experience gameplay at its […]

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Best PC Controllers:The Definitive Guide (2019 Updated)

PC gaming is an experience altogether. It’s made even sweeter with the help of the right type of gaming accessories. The most important of the lot is the use of good quality PC Controllers. There are a host of interesting brands out there who manufacture some high-quality PC controllers. At times buying the right type […]

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Best Mechanical Keyboard:The Ultimate Buying Guide & Reviews(2019)

Whether you are a gamer or simply someone who has to type on a mechanical keyboard all day, most of us are familiar with the use of mechanical keyboards. The best mechanical keyboard 2019 are considered ideal for writing and gaming as they are built in a more durable manner which makes typing accurate and fast. […]

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Best Webcam For Streaming:Top 10 Hand Picked Reviews(2019)

Web Camera or Webcam is a video camera that is used to send live videos and images over the internet. Webcams have been extensively used for video calling, for creating videos and for streaming. For streaming, webcams are on the top of the priority list. Webcams that came into existence in the year 1994, have […]

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Best USB wi-fi adapter:Ultimate Buying Guide (2019 Updated)

Sometimes the built-in Wi-Fi on your computer or laptop is not strong enough and you need that extra something that will help you have a stronger and more stable internet connection. For this purpose, you will need the help of USB WI-FI adapter. Do You Need a USB wi-fi adapter? You definitely need this item […]

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Best Mouse Pad: 2019’s Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for You

Mouse pads have evolved over the years. In the past, mouse pads were made for multi-purpose. However, as consumer demands increased and new technologies began to evolve, mouse pads began to evolve too. This has led to the advent of different kind of mouse pads such as, Mouse Pad, gamer mouse pads, customized mouse pad, […]

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Best Gaming Mouse 2019: Buyer’s Guide & Reviews

If you are trying to find out the best gaming mouse for your pc, you are at the right place. Gaming PC’s are worth the investment, but it’s hard to match the precision of a gaming console in terms of control. Gaming consoles come with controllers made only for them, and there’s no doubt that […]

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Best Gaming Speakers:The Definitive Buying Guide (2019)

There are several products on the market worthy of the best gaming speakers. In the span of a couple of years, several new companies have shown up. Some stick to traditional minimalism while others opt for a modern look and feel. Regardless, good quality is what you wish to have. Isn’t it? And, I feel […]

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Best Xbox One Steering Wheels:Ultimate Buying Guide(2019 Updated)

The beauty of a best Xbox one steering wheel is that it would make you feel as if you are a part of the game and are actually sitting in the driver’s seat of a high-end car. The best Xbox One Steering wheels provide easier control and swift drift. If you are an ardent fan […]

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Best Ps4 Steering Wheel:Ultimate Buyer’s Guide & Reviews Of 2019

Gaming accessories have gone to a whole new level. Gone are the days when pro gamers will want to play all types of games on a controller pad. For those who have been there and done that, playing car race games have a different feel when using a PS4 steering wheel than when using a […]

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